The Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases and lmmunology Online Journal


The Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunology > Vol.33 No.1 contents > Abstract

Article in Japanese

Epidemic pleurodynia and myalgia caused by coxsackieviruses prevalent in western Kochi in 2014

Yusuke MORISHITA1,2), Akihiko MAEDA1), Masayuki ISHIHARA2), Taisuke SHIRAISHI1)

This paper reports four cases of epidemic pleurodynia caused by coxsackievirus (Cox) B2 infection, and three with epidemic myalgia caused by Cox A4 or A5 in June and September, 2014. All of the cases presented with spasmodic pain at various sites, and fully recovered without any specific treatment. An eleven-year old boy exhibited pleurodynia complicated by epididymitis in June, and thereafter femoral myalgia in September. The patients with pleurodynia needed differentiation from critical diseases such as heart attack and acute abdomen as the pain was excruciatingly severe and sudden. It was suggested that differences may occur in the sites of pain depending on the types of causal virus. Nowadays, epidemic pleurodynia is reported rarely. As Cox Bs and echoviruses that cause pleurodynia still circulate, the disease should be kept in mind in order to avoid being overlooked or misdiagnosed.

1) Department of Pediatrics, Prefectural Hata-Kenmin Hospital
2) Department of Pediatrics, Kochi Medical School, Kochi University

Key words epidemic myalgia, epidemic pleurodynia, Bornholm disease, coxsackievirus, enterovirus
Received July 13, 2020
Accepted January 7, 2021

33 (1):15─21,2021