The Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases and lmmunology Online Journal


The Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunology > Vol.32 No.3 contents > Abstract

Article in Japanese

A prefectural survey of the incidence of mumps and vaccination rates in Kyoto

Hisato ITO1), Yoshikazu MATSUDA1), Man WOO1), Tsunehiro SHIMIZU1), Koichi TAKEUCHI1)

Introduction: A prefecture-wide survey of mumps was conducted in Kyoto by the Infectious Disease Control Committee of the Kyoto Medical Association.
Methods: This study investigated patients diagnosed with mumps between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2018 at all hospitals and clinics in Kyoto Prefecture that were involved in the medical care of mumps. The following items were analyzed: age, sex, vaccination history, living in a group setting, date of onset, date of diagnosis, symptoms, serological diagnosis, presence or absence of complications, and hospital admission.
Results: A total of 742 cases were registered at 468 of 2,185 facilities surveyed. Patients aged 4–7 years accounted for 219 cases. Nursery/preschool and elementary school children accounted for 326 cases, and home-reared children accounted for only 3%. Four cases were complicated with aseptic meningitis, and mumps vaccine was not administered in 3 of them. Mumps developed 3 years after vaccination in 1 case. Of the 742 patients, the diagnosis of mumps was verified in 285 after further examination. Of these, 115 patients had been vaccinated previously, which included 1 past vaccination in 80 cases, and 2 past vaccinations in 8 cases. The onset of mumps occurred 3 years after vaccination in 17 cases, which were the most frequent cases among the 88 with detailed vaccination history.
Discussion: There are approximately 3,920 mumps cases per year in Kyoto Prefecture. Furthermore, this study showed that mumps vaccine is likely to have the highest preventive effect when inoculated twice within a 3-year period.

1) Infectious Disease Control Committee, Kyoto Medical Association

Key words mumps, notifiable disease surveillance, mumps vaccine, two doses of mumps vaccine, intervals between mumps vaccine doses
Received December 10, 2019
Accepted April 30, 2020

32 (3):170─178,2020