The Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases and lmmunology Online Journal


The Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunology > Vol.30 No.1 contents > Abstract

Article in Japanese

Clinical characteristics of human parechovirus-3 infection in seven neonates and infants

Shoko MATSU-UCHI1), Akiko ABE1), Takashi DAITSU1), Shoko MAEDA1), Yukitoshi SHIMIZU1)

Human parechovirus-3 (HPeV-3) is a causative pathogen that sometimes develops sepsis-like febrile diseases with severe signs and symptoms among neonates and infants. This study retrospectively investigated the clinical characteristics or laboratory data that could be useful for distinguishing between febrile patients with HPeV-3 infection and those with other febrile diseases. Twenty seven febrile patients comprising 7 with HPeV-3 infection(HPeV-3 group) and 20 with other febrile diseases(control) were enrolled for this study. They were aged less than 90 days-old and admitted to Yamagata City Hospital, Saiseikan from August to October 2016. Sepsis-like symptoms among the HPeV-3 group, included tachycardia, reticular cyanosis or tachypnea, as seen in 6 patients; while transient navel protrusion associated with abdominal distention, grunting or palmar and plantar redness in accordance with decline of fever were observed in 5 patients. Peripheral white blood cells, platelet counts, and serum albumin were significantly lower in the HPeV-3 group than the control(5,710/μL vs. 9,860/μL; 333,000/μL vs. 435,000/μL; 2.9 g/dL vs. 3.9 g/dL, respectively). Lactate dehydrogenase, ferritin, and urine beta-2-microglobulin were significantly higher in HPeV-3 group than the control(370 U/L vs. 271 U/L; 1,924 ng/mL vs. 321 ng/mL; 9,094μg/L vs. 912μg/L). The data in this study suggested that these clinical findings could be useful for diagnosing for HPeV-3 infection.

1) Department of Pediatrics, Yamagata City Hospital Saiseikan

Key words human parechovirus-3, neonates and infants, sepsis-like symptoms, ferritin, urine beta-2-microglobulin
Received April 10, 2017
Accepted January 31, 2018

30 (1):19─25,2018