The Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases and lmmunology Online Journal


The Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunology > Vol.27 No.2 contents > Abstract

Article in Japanese

A case of a five-year-old female infant with human parvovirus B19 (PVB19) encephalitis/encephalopathy

Tomowa KANO1), Yutaka YOSHIMATU1), Yoshinori ITO2), Naohiko MORIGUCHI1)

We report a 5-year-old female patient with human parvovirus B19 (PVB19) encephalitis/encephalopathy. She suffered from nasal discharge, cough, and fever, and received treatment for pharyngitis. Subsequently, she had fever for five days, became restless at night, and was hospitalized because of impaired consciousness. After hospitalization, repeated seizures were observed with the head moving back and forth and right and left. Although no abnormal finding was noted on head MRI, the cerebrospinal fluid cell count, cerebrospinal fluid protein, and myelin basic protein increased with high-amplitude slow waves on EEG. She was diagnosed with encephalitis/encephalopathy, and received an anticonvulsant and steroid pulse therapy, which gradually improved the impaired consciousness and motor function. No rash developed during the course. PVB19 DNA was detected by PCR from nasal discharge and cerebrospinal fluid collected during hospitalization, suggesting the involvement of PVB19. Viral DNA (cerebrospinal fluid: 3.0×106 copies/ml; serum: 2.5×1012 copies/ml) were detected during the acute phase. For the next 10 months, viral DNA were detected without complications, such as anemia and liver dysfunction. The symptoms were fully resolved without neurological sequelae.
PVB19 is involved in some cases of encephalitis/encephalopathy of unknown cause. Care should be exercised in such cases.

1) Department of Pediatrics, Sakai Hospital Kinki University Faculty of Medicine
2) Department of Pediatrics, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine

Key words
Received October 14, 2014
Accepted March 9, 2015

27 (2):99─105,2015