The Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases and lmmunology Online Journal


The Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunology > Vol.24 No.4 contents > Abstract

Article in Japanese

Antimicrobial therapy of severe childhood pneumonia in pediatric intensive care units in Japan

Masashi KASAI1), Kazunobu OUCHI2), Nobuaki SHIME3), Katsuki HIRAI4), Sachie ARAHATA5), Yoshio SAKURAI6), Akira YOSHIMOTO7), Kayo KUNISADA8)

A retrospective investigation was conducted in 11 Japanese pediatric intensive care units to evaluate current practice for the diagnosis and treatment severe pediatric pneumonia. For-ty-three community-acquired pneumonia cases, and 40 cases of nosocomial pneumonia were enrolled over a 12 month period. Mortality in the community-acquired pneumonia and the nosocomial pneumonia were 2.3% and 15%. The most frequently used initial antimicrobial agent was ampicillin-sulbactum. Initial appropriate treatment was performed in 82% of the patient. Only seven patients (8.4%) prescribed with carbapenems, which were recommended as the initial treatment for severe pneumonia according to the Japanese guidelines published in 2007 for the management of respiratory infection. The differences in mortality were statistically insignificant between patients who adhered to the guideline 14% and those who did not 7.2%.

1) Depertment of General Pediatrics and Infection Control, Nagano Children's Hospital
2) Depertment of Pediatrics, Kawasaki Medical school
3) Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, University Hospital, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
4) Department of Pediatrics, Kumamoto Red Cross Hospital
5) Department of Pediatrics, Asahi Chuo Hospital
6) Department of Pediatrics, Saitama Medical University Hospital
7) Center for Infectious disease, Nara Medical

Key words
Received August 1, 2012
Accepted November 20, 2012

24 (4):443─449,2013