The Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases and lmmunology Online Journal


The Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunology > Vol.23 No.2 contents > Abstract

Article in Japanese

Severe enterovirus infection with different clinical presentation in twin neonates

Takayuki KANEKO1,2), Tomohiro OISHI2), Takatoshi SHIRAI2), Jun NEGISHI2), Mai MATSUO2), Shinya TSUKANO2), Tetsuo TAGUCHI2), Makoto UCHIYAMA1)

Enteroviruses are common causes of infections in neonates. The clinical presentation may vary from mild illness to severe multisystem disease, such as sepsis, meningitis and myocarditis. We report severe enterovirus infection in twin neonates. One of them had meningitis, another had myocarditis and arrhythmia. Both were treated with intravenous immunoglobulin, and made a complete recovery. We consider that the differences of onset and route of infection may affect the different clinical presentation.

1) Department of Pediatrics of Niigata University
2) Department of Pediatrics of Niigata Prefectural Shibata Hospital

Key words
Received August 24, 2010
Accepted March 24, 2011

23 (2):155─161,2011