The Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases and lmmunology Online Journal

Search Results

The Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunology > Search Results

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A pediatric case of multiple deep neck abscess caused by Streptococcus pyogenes

Tetsuo SHODA, Atsushi ISOZAKI

21 (1): 3-6, 2009

Two infant cases of BCG osteomyelitis-usefulness of genetic examination for early identification of BCG

Kentaro Ueno1), Yumiko Tsuru1), Junichiro Nishi1), Yoshifumi Kawano1), Ryodai Kawabata2), Kiyofumi Ohkusu3)

21 (1): 7-12, 2009

Clinical image of infective endocarditis with congenital heart disease, on a guideline change

Takekatsu Saito1) , Nami Nakamura1), Kunio Ohta1) , Akihiro Yachie1), Sadahiko Arai2)

21 (1): 13-18, 2009

Guidelines for the management of herpes simplex encephalitis

Hiroshi Kimura**

21 (1): 19-23, 2009

Current status of Japanese encephalitis and development of cell-cultured JE vaccines

Chiaki Miyazaki**

21 (1): 24-28, 2009

Rotavirus vaccine -From past to present, and to future

Koki Taniguchi**

21 (1): 29-36, 2009

Disease-burden of acute otitis media on children and cost-effectiveness of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in Japan

Noboru Yamanaka**, Muneki Hotomi**, Rinya Sugita***

21 (1): 37-48, 2009

A childhood case of septic arthritis caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 14

Tetsuo Shoda, Atsushi Isozaki

21 (2): 107-111, 2009

Orbital and periorbital cellulites in children -Review of our nineteen cases-

Shouhei Suzuki1), Hiroyuki Shimizu2), Tetsunori Funabiki1), Atsuo Sato2), Hitoshi Kitagata1)

21 (2): 112-116, 2009

Study of the proper use for antimicrobial to children with respiratory infectious diseases -Analysis of the questionnaire survey to the pediatricians-

Tomohiro Oishi1,2), Shinichi Toyabe1,3), Makoto Uchiyama1,4)

21 (2): 117-123, 2009

Guidelines for the management of respiratory infectious diseases in children in Japan

Kazunobu Ouchi**

21 (2): 125-129, 2009

Guideline for the management of children with chronic HBV infection

Hitoshi Tajiri**

21 (2): 130-136, 2009

Disease burden of pneumococcal disease in children and cost-effectiveness of vaccination

Hitoshi Kamiya1), Satoshi Iwata2), Naruhiko Ishiwada3), Noboru Yamanaka4)

21 (2): 142-148, 2009

Acute encephalopathy caused by Salmonella enteritidis in a 9-year-old girl

Junichi Ishikawa1,2), Miho Yamamuro1), Masao Togawa1), Masashi Shiomi1)

21 (3): 207-212, 2009

A case of vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis

Hiroko Sakuma1), Makoto Sumikoshi1), Atsushi Ono4), Tomoko Imaizumi1), Kumi Suzuki4), Hiroyuki Morita2), Fuyuhiko Kawana3), Mitsuaki Hosoya4)

21 (3): 213-217, 2009

A boy with Diphyllobothrium nihonkaiense infection treated with praziquantel

Noriaki Tomono1,2), Shinji Fukushima3), Hiroyuki Shiro1)

21 (3): 219-222, 2009

A clinical and bacteriological study of pediatric urinary tract infection in a hospital

Atsushi Narita1), Naoko Nishimura1), Yasuko Arakawa1), Michio Suzuki1), Yasuto Yamamoto1), Norio Koyama1), Takao Ozaki1)

21 (3): 223-229, 2009

A case of occipital dermal sinus with intracranial dermoid cyst complicated by MSSA meningitis

Takahiro Nishihara1), Akio Furuse1), Seishi Seguchi1), Motoko Tsuruta1)

21 (3): 230-234, 2009

Infection control strategies against healthcare-associated acute gastroenteritis due to rotavirus or norovirus

Osamu Nakagomi**

21 (3): 235-243, 2009

An infant with congenital syphilis whose mother had been seronegative for Treponema at mid-gestation

Wataru Tamaki1), Akihiko Maeda1), Kazuki Kihara1), Tsuyoshi Yamato2), Hisashi Takasugi1), Sumitaka Dono1), Tetsuga Sato1), Mikiya Fujieda1), Hideo Ogura2) , Hiroshi Wakiguchi1)

21 (4): 357-362, 2009

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